Killinkoski Old Factory

Killinkoski Old Factory

VIRRAT | A ribbon factory milieu of cultural and historical value in Virrat. Into Centre portraying the life of master photographer I.K. Inha and the Nyström cultural family, the ribbon industry museum, Camera Museum of Finland, museum collections (voluntary fire brigade, barber/hairdresser of the past, photography atelier and collection of educational materials, nostalgic toys, architect Josef Stenbäck and illustrator Marjaliisa Pitkäranta etc.), extensive flea market halls, cafeteria, factory outlet and changing art and photography exhibitions in the summer. Free admission. Guided tours for groups by order. •

Inkantie 60, 34980 Killinkoski
Tel. +358 400 453 054 |
Fb: Killinkoski Wanha Tehdasmiljöö
